If you don't know your options, you don't have any.
As a Certified Childbirth Educator, I maintain the most up to date, evidence-based information to create informative, engaging, and insightful classes to help you prepare for your birth. A variety of classes are available now to provide guidance and build confidence.
Update related to Covid 19: If you prefer a virtual class experience, call Chris at
(509) 520-2975 to discuss options.

A comprehensive 6 week series
2-hour classes on Tuesday evenings
Call (509) 520-2975 for information
Stacked with in-depth discussion and interesting activities, this class takes time to prepare families for the highs and hard moments of labor and childbirth.:
Families brand new to childbirth
Practice with labor coping strategies
Dedicated section for partners to learn how to support their loved one in labor
Interact and get to know other new parents
This traditional childbirth class takes place over 6 consecutive Tuesday nights, each class lasting 2 hours. Filled with fun and learning, this class checks all the boxes and will have you ready when labor begins.
$180 per couple
8 hour class, offered one Saturday per month
Presented in a small group setting (4 couples max), this class is perfect for those wanting a group experience and an optional time frame:
Pending due date
Weekend alternative
Option to traditional class
Using fun, interactive learning, you will become familiar with the facts you need to be prepared for your birth. Topics include: basics of labor, comfort & coping techniques, basic infant care, and others.
$165 per couple
A quick refresher for families with previous experience with childbirth
A single, 4-hour class, offered one Saturday per month
Focused on developing your prior understanding of labor and childbirth, this class will equip you with skills and insight and increase your readiness for your new experience.
Review the basics of labor and (re)learn comfort and coping options
Look at what worked and what didn't in your last birth and discover how to avoid a repeat
Interesting and relevant discussion is the key to this innovative class. You will leave empowered with up-to-date information that has you prepared for an effective new experience.
$75 per couple

Focus on topics personalized for your needs and concerns. These classes are conveniently arranged according to your schedule. Private childbirth classes are offered "a la carte" in 3 hour modules. Choose unlimited modules to fulfill your needs.
Ready for Labor & Childbirth ~ Understanding the Basics
Ready for an Unmedicated Birth ~ how to succeed at a more natural experience
Ready for Cesarean Birth ~ be prepared when surgery is necessary
Ready for Infant Care ~ Did you know newborns have a language? Learn how to understand what they are saying so you can care for their special needs.
NEW! Ready for Breastfeeding ~ While breastfeeding is a natural process, it is like learning to dance and it helps to learn the steps ahead of time!
Feel self-assured and excited as you approach the birth of your new baby. Each module is thoughtfully prepared and supported with hands-on practice and helpful handouts.
$150 per module
$270 any 2 modules (10% discount)
$380 any 3 modules (15% discount)
$480 any 4 modules (20% discount)